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Know Your Standard of Care functional medicine integrative medicine practice of medicine standard of care Jun 17, 2021

Today we are covering: what is "standard of care," why it's important to you as a medical professional, and more importantly, how you can stay within your standard of care and make sure that you're not subject to any unwarranted liability. 

When Does Duty Call? 

Amongst physicians or lay people, t...

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HIPAA: Can I Email Patients? entrepreneurship hipaa Jun 10, 2021

Today I am giving you a quick HIPAA update and tackling one of the most frequently asked questions that I get daily from my members. I've counseled most of them on this, and now it's time to share the information with you. 

The recent, current question that practitioners are always asking me is, "C...

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The Practice of Medicine practice of medicine telehealth telemedicine May 27, 2021

Today, I want to help you decide how you're going to expand your practice or reevaluate how your practice is currently set up so that you can avoid committing crimes and going to jail. That may sound intense and scary, and while I do not mean to scare you, I do want you to know what your risks are. ...

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Can a Health Coach Order Labs? functional medicine healthcoach integrative medicine May 20, 2021

"What can health coaches do?" And, more specifically, "Can health coaches order lab tests and interpret them?"  These are some of the most frequent questions I get at Functional Lawyer, and today I'm going to give you my answer, some additional information, and what you can do about it if this is so...

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Is it Worth the Risk? entrepreneurship telemedicine May 13, 2021

I went Live on Facebook last Friday to answer a few questions that providers continue to have.  I have had so many responses and follow-up questions to last Friday's Live session, and I thought it would be beneficial to post the Live video and reiterate the helpful content.   (Please note that the L...

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What is the Scope of a Health Coach? May 06, 2021

The number one question I have been getting recently is, “What is the scope of a health coach?”

A lot of doctors, chiropractors, NPs, etc. are frustrated by their licensure because they want to move freely around the country and practice medicine, but it is illegal to do so if you are not licensed ...

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"Inconceivable!" (Why "S-Corp" does not mean what you think it means) Apr 28, 2021

You may, like me, be a fan of the cult classic The Princess Bride. But, even if you are not, it's likely you have come across this oft-repeated line in the movie:

The joke is that each time this character makes the exclamation, the thing being discussed is actually very possible if not pr...

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Don't Let Your Fear Stop You entrepreneurship Apr 22, 2021

Did you know there are good fears and bad fears? There are fears that hold you back and fears that keep you safe. And then there are also fears that can be mitigated and, a lot of times, erased if you just did a little digging and self-exploration.


I know a bit about all of these types of fears ...

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Trending - Telemedicine Barriers Coming Down: West Virginia telemedicine Apr 15, 2021

Great news!

We are kicking off today's blog with great news! West Virginia has now been added to states who have expanded telemedicine to their own citizens and lowered the barriers for telemedicine's out-of-state practitioners.

This is part of a larger growing trend of states who are lowering bar...

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Are You Being Protected by Your Website's Terms of Use? online presence Apr 08, 2021

What is Your Website's "Terms of Use" or "Terms and Conditions"?

At Functional Lawyer today, we're talking about your website. Your website is the first thing most people will see when they come across you on the Internet, so it's important that you use it to protect yourself. More specifically, we...

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Professional Corporations: Licensure, Protection, Taxation, and more entrepreneurship Mar 10, 2021

Professional Corporation Basics

Today at Functional Lawyer, we are talking about professional corporations, professional LLCs, and other professional entities. What are they? How are they different from regular corporations? Are there any specific naming rules that you have to follow?  I will be co...

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How to Get a Florida Telemedicine License telemedicine Mar 02, 2021

Want to Expand Your Practice Across State Lines?


You should already know that you can't practice medicine across state lines unless you are licensed where the patient is located. Doing so can subject you to civil and criminal liability and monetary fines for engaging in the unauthorized practice...

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