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Can I Delete Bad Reviews? business management businessreviews seo Jun 16, 2022

Can you delete a bad Google review or a bad review on Facebook or even on your website? 

Sorry, but you can't. 


But there are a number of ways you can manage your reviews to turn the negative into a positive!

This week I received this question from one of my clients who received a negative rev...

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Good Faith Estimate FAQs Part II Apr 08, 2022



Finally! Finally, we have some additional clarity surrounding the Good Faith Estimate rule and how it can be better implemented by providers. 

My members have been peppering me with many of the questions below for months now. And I am glad HHS published these answers for providers that hav...

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Basketball Mindset Mar 24, 2022

How does the NCAA basketball tournament relate to you in your practice, in your business, and in your life?  I'm not an expert ball spinner (see video!); however, I did play basketball in college at a small Division 3 school, so I lived and breathed March Madness. Going back to my high school days, ...

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The Importance of GFEs (Good Faith Estimates) Feb 09, 2022


A new law, now called the No Surprises Act, was passed in December of 2020 to take effect on January 1, 2022. Good Faith Estimates (GFEs) are a new requirement as of 2022 for all physician offices to offer their patients. We are going to look into these new requirements (how you can comply, what ...

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The Hows and Whys of ANNUAL REPORTS Feb 03, 2022

Did you know that the state could shut down your business if you fail to file one form each year? The good news is that the form is very simple. It takes you less than 10 minutes, but if you forget to do it, the state will dissolve or terminate your company, and it will no longer exist. And this act...

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Does My Website Have to be ADA Compliant? Jan 13, 2022

Does my website need to be American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant?  What does ADA compliance mean? How can you achieve it and avoid potential litigation that will bring frustration and additional costs? These are a few questions that come up when complying with the ADA. The ADA was first signed i...

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Can I Call Myself a "Consultant"? business management functional medicine health consultant healthcoach integrative medicine telehealth telemedicine Jan 05, 2022

Many education and business training programs purport to teach doctors and other health care professionals that they can expand their practice by practicing telemedicine across state lines, or even in other areas of the world, under the guise of calling yourself a “consultant” or “health coach” and ...

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FOUR Necessary Insurance Policies... Dec 29, 2021

Not only do you need malpractice insurance, which is something you would not start your practice without, but you also need three other types of insurance in your practice and business. There are differences between each, and so you need to be sure you are covered in the various areas they address. ...

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Can I Deduct Start-Up Costs? Dec 22, 2021

Pre-LLC or PC

You don’t have to wait until your LLC or your PC is actually formed in order to start
incurring expenses that are deductible on your taxes. If you are getting ready to
start a business, the IRS knows that some of those initial start-up costs or
preparation costs are going to come from yo...

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7 Legal Errors You Must Avoid Nov 04, 2021

Dealing with medical records is a complicated subject, with many areas where mistakes are possible. When it comes to HIPAA, there are many preconceptions that some practices have that are not only incorrect, but can often lead to larger problems which can be very costly for the practice as a whole. ...

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Website Terms and Conditions: A MUST Have! Oct 17, 2021

This week I want to share with you how we have saved around $60-$70,000 in potential HIPAA fines— just based on having a good, quality, working knowledge of how website Terms and Conditions work and what content to put in a website Terms and Conditions.

I have always said that forms, documents, and...

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Is Your Mindset Holding You Back? Oct 07, 2021

Today we are talking about MINDSET.

I have been helping doctors and providers of all license levels with their businesses, whether it be with the legal side of things, general business consulting, mentoring, and more.  My wife, Linda, and I actually just started a new company that helps doctors sta...

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