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How to Identify and Rewire Limiting Beliefs Featuring Dr. Kirstin Lauritzen - The Junto Ep.106

podcast the junto Mar 01, 2025
How to Identify and Rewire Limiting Beliefs Featuring Dr. Kirstin Lauritzen

The Power to Create Anything You Want

Did you know that your brain has the power to design what you want in life? In this episode of The Junto Podcast, Dr. Lauritzen unveils the secret to how mindset guides experience. From health to wealth to relationships, you can use the power of mindset to create the life that you want.

Dr. Lauritzen's Story 

Dr. Kirstin Lauritzen began her journey to Chiropractic and Functional Medicine as a teenager, struggling with chronic illness. After countless doctor's appointments and treatments, Dr. Lauritzen grew tired and frustrated with treatments that never provided solutions to her symptoms. This led her to seek solutions outside of conventional medicine, ultimately leading her to examine how lifestyle and nutrition might be affecting her health.

As a Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Physician, Dr. Lauritzen's educational background includes: 

  • Psychology and Neuroscience
  • B.S. in Human Biology
  • Master of Science 
  • Doctor of Chiropractic 

She looks not only at the body's movement and internal systems but also at mental and emotional well-being to support her patients in creating a positive mindset and resilience in their health and well-being. 

Understanding Core Beliefs 

Your mindset is often determined by core beliefs that are generally developed between the ages of 0 - 7. These core beliefs determine how we view success in our lives, where we get validation from, and more. Understanding these core beliefs and then consistently and repeatedly receiving positive information into your life can help you gain control over your mindset. Journaling and affirmations are two tools that can be very helpful in this process.




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