Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Perfectionism w/ Kathi Reuter - The Junto Ep. 201
Feb 28, 2025
Let's talk about that idea that's been nagging at you—probably for a while. You've got this dream, this gut feeling that persists like a notification you can't swipe away. And yet...you're stuck. Maybe it's fear. Maybe it's perfectionism. Perhaps it's that little voice in your head whispering, "Who do you think you are?" (Imposter syndrome anyone?)
If this sounds familiar, you're in good company. Today, I'm excited to chat with Kathi Reuter—mindset coach, online entrepreneur, and resilient visionary—who took the leap from teaching to network marketing to coaching, all while battling the same fears we all have. And spoiler alert: She did it scared, she did it messy, and she did it before she felt ready.
Kathi is an exceptional mindset coach for entrepreneurs and she came by to share the BEST strategies that have worked for her AND for her clients to bust through their doubts and fears.
You MUST watch this week's episode if you've ever had any doubts at all about your business (SO, all of us). Kathi brings the heat.
From Finger Painting to Financial Freedom
Kathi started out as an elementary school teacher, dreaming of staying home with her kids and living that Pinterest-perfect stay-at-home mom life. Except...reality had other plans. Bills piled up. Savings accounts drained. And suddenly, what seemed like a dream felt like a financial crisis.
Then came the plot twist: a network marketing business with Beachbody (now BODi). Did everyone think she was crazy? Yup. Did her husband call it a scam? 100%. But did she let that stop her? Hell no.
She went ALL IN. No dabbling. No "let's just see how this works." She treated her business like it was already successful, and in time, it became successful. We're talking multiple six figures—all from her kitchen table.
But here's the thing: Even at $200K+ per year, she still felt like a failure. Why? Because she had plateaued, and her mind started whispering those negative thoughts again.
The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything
Most people think success is about grinding harder. More hours. More effort. More caffeine. But Kathi discovered something different—your success isn't about what you do, it's about who you are.
She realized that all the external actions in the world wouldn't change a thing if her internal beliefs weren't aligned. This revelation prompted her next move. After two and a half years of hesitation, she finally pivoted to create a mindset coaching business that truly set her soul on fire.
And guess what? The same fears popped up again. Would people follow her? Could she really start over? Did she need a whole new Instagram page? (Spoiler: No. She just made a post, sent an email, and moved on.)
The Secret to Making Big Moves (Without Overthinking Yourself into a Hole)
If you've been sitting on an idea, paralyzed by perfectionism, here's your action plan inspired by Kathi's journey:
Detach from the Outcome. Stop obsessing over whether it will "work." It's the doing that matters, not the result.
Embrace Beginnerhood. Your first attempt will probably be a mess. That's normal. That's expected. Just start.
Rewire Your Thoughts. Every successful person you admire had moments of doubt. The difference? They didn't let it stop them.
Take. The. Leap. Kathi didn't wait until she had the perfect website or strategy. She just started. You can too.
Or listen on the go at
Apple Podcasts: The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan
Spotify: The Junto w/ Scott Rattigan
Fail, Learn, and Do it Anyway
There's a quote in Moana 2 (yes, I'm dropping Disney wisdom here) that says, "Perfection doesn't exist. There's only failure, learning, and death." Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely.
You're either growing or you're stagnating. So take the leap. Trust yourself. And remember that transformation begins with a single, imperfect step forward.
Because at the end of the day, the real risk isn't failing—it's staying exactly where you are.
Now, go out there and do the scary thing--open your practice, apply to speak on stage at a conference, launch your online course, whatever it is that you've been putting off. It'll probably turn out better than you think. But there's only one way to find out!
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