By speaking with an average of 40 providers a day, and reviewing their websites and content, I quickly realized these providers were practicing with little if any legal protection.
Having been there myself, and talking with provider around the country, I knew that they had anxiety over their legal issues. And in most cases, this uncertainty and anxiety has held them back from pursuing some of their bigger dreams out of fear of legal liability. I couldn’t sit back and watch these practices open themselves up to liability that a few documents and some basic legal education could cover. I know that they, like me, probably left behind a more secure position in conventional medicine to follow their passion of helping patients through functional medicine. I also know that most providers who practice functionally spend their hard earned money on continuing education, conferences, and marketing for patients. (It feels like my wife is always at a new clinical education conference.) Because all their resources are spent becoming a great functional medicine provider or getting new patients, it can be an afterthought to spend extra money on legal protection. It can also be daunting to find an attorney who understands your unique needs as a functional medicine provider. You might be saying, “Yes! That is my story! There has to be a better way!” I agree. And that is why Functional Lawyer is here today. Functional Lawyer is the better way.